Big picture. Brainstorming. Impacts.
Frahm Comm Media can help you define your communication goals and create a roadmap to reach them. A clear strategy will help you make more efficient use of your resources–and have more impact.
Annette Frahm has gained a reputation for her skills in big-picture thinking. She can translate insights into communication and storytelling strategies that make a difference in the real world. Annette speaks and teaches about storytelling, changing environmental behavior and how to create effective communications.
Improving web presence of sustainable landscape company
Frahm Comm Media worked with In Harmony Sustainable Landscapes to improve its online presence and web traffic. Annette began by developing a content strategy that included writing a blog, producing video content and increasing activity on Facebook, Pinterest and Houzz, with smaller efforts on Instagram and Twitter. She has worked with In Harmony staff over two years to implement the strategy. Web traffic and engagement have significantly improved year over year. For example, a recent video has received more than 80,000 views on YouTube to date.
Developing social media strategy for local health district
The Kitsap Public Health District wanted to determine whether and how it should use social media as part of its communications. Annette and her project team researched social media use among health departments and other public agencies and developed findings and recommendations. The report covered rationale for using social media, barriers and opportunities, records retention and HIPAA, and best practices. It also included several case studies, tools and resources.
They presented findings and recommendations to KPHD managers and staff. The presentation led to KPHD having its first conversation about adopting social media. KPHD did a pilot project and is currently implementing the strategy.
Strengthening Sustainable Seattle’s messaging
Sustainable Seattle is working to strengthen its identity and reputation in the community. As chair of the board’s External Affairs Committee, Annette Frahm worked with the organization’s board of directors and staff to develop messaging architecture. This helped create clarity around mission, vision, values, positioning, key themes, priority messages and proof points for Sustainable Seattle to use in its website, blog, social media and other venues.
Creating more effective websites
You may get people to your website using SEO. But that won’t keep them there and bring them back again. You can develop a more successful website strategy if you understand more about how people think.
Through her experience in the prestigious Master of Communication in Digital Media Program, Annette Frahm developed skills in analyzing websites using key principles of psychology, such as vision and perception, motivation, personality, needs and social comparison. For example, how does your use of color and spacing affect people’s ability to find things on your site? How could your website engage people on several different levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? How could your site work for both people who are curious and those who are cautious?
If you’re developing or revising a website, call on FrahmComm to help you make your new site more effective.
Helping city protect urban forest
The City of Seattle adopted an ambitious plan to protect and restore its urban forest. The city needed to know which audiences were most important to reach and how to engage them in helping to protect and restore the urban forest.
Annette Frahm did key informant interviews to better understand the city’s audiences. She developed a comprehensive audience-based communications strategy, addressing activists, parents, young professionals and more. The communications strategy has been used as a model by other city departments.
She also created the program name – Seattle reLeaf – along with a tag line and key messages. Seattle reLeaf is widely recognized, and the city’s tree portal web site is well used.
Client: City of Seattle Office of Sustainability and Environment